STAFF: Uliana Revytska, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences

AIM: Teach students basic concepts,methods, formulas of Thory of Probability and Mathematical Statistics. To get acquainted with application in solving problems of economic and financial content.


1. Form the ability to determine the probability of random events.

2. Be able to complite the law of the distribution of a discrete random variable. Be able to calculate the numerical characteristics of the distributions laws.

3. Determine the distribution parameters of continuous random variables. Be able to represent graths of function and density of distributions.

4. Be able to calculate and understand the essence of the basic characteristics of the sample population.

5. To apply the knowledge of the basic laws of the theory of probability for analysis and forecasting in the tasks of the economy.


1. Probability of Events.

2. Conditional Probability and Bayes' Theorem.

3. Random Variables and Distribution Functions.

4. Moments of Random Variables and Chebychev Inequality.

5. Some Special Discrete and Continuous Distributions.

6. Test of Statistical Hypotheses.


- Make a probabilistic model of tasks associated with randomness;

- Using numerical characterictics of random variables able to analyze investigated processes;

- To formulate a zero and an alternative hypothesis. Determine the truth or falsity of hypothesis using criterias.


Course work assessment: activiti - 50%, assigment - 50% ( homework, individual tasks, presentation for the assessment).

Exam/ cjrsee work weighting: 30% / 70%